in Innovation

The storyteller


As you previously read, it’s important to communicate innovation in a way that should be:

  • Clear
  • Simple
  • Direct
  • Meaningful

It’s a matter of fact that, even following these rules, you can lie. Sure, talking about innovation to lie means something different, it’s much closer to the storyteller show, when people heard about fantastic lands or monsters and princesses, and don’t ask if what they listened to is real or not. That’s the storyteller ability, his performance could be measured in the astonishment he produces in the audience, the level of confidence and complicity he reaches with auditors, no one ask for evidences or confirmations.
There are people that act in this way, talking about innovations and future deployment that could not be achieved or that are not demonstrated to be a bit close to reality.
Sometimes a thin grip is enough to start the process; fantasy minded preachers, able to invent future scenarios, apply ideas and not well known technologies and develop stories. And where lay the lie? Newspapers, magazines, blogs, are full of stories, made by writers that don’t verify what they told, that disclose their truth feeding people with wrong ideas and scenarios. A well done conference speech, a good article full of promises and dedicated press coverage, all combined could be more dangerous than predictions about global warming. We are used to disillusions, why collect them even from technologies?

Why do I blog this?

It’s like a crusade, that Alex and I started against false innovative ideas, or good ideas placed in the worst place or scenario, and badly scattered. Let’s going on.


  1. Good post. You make some great points that most people do not fully understand.

    “Sometimes a thin grip is enough to start the process; fantasy minded preachers, able to invent future scenarios, apply ideas and not well known technologies and develop stories.”

    I like how you explained that. Very helpful. Thanks.

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