in Considerations, Mobile Phones

The Mobile Phone Itself Is Irrelevant…

… It is what customers want to do that matters.20080211ms2.JPG

This simple yet provocative sentence has been said by Rakesh Mahajen, Global Director of Mobility at BT Global Services, during a keynote speech in Barcelona.

I have to say that this has been my exact thinking in the last year and it comes no surprise to me.

Actually Mr. Mahajen was talking about enterprise mobility when he made that statement. I have the very same opinion on the consumer market.

True said is that in the consumer market there is a little bit more fashion push on the choice of the mobile phone.

Mr. Mahajen also said that : “The reason why the CIO and the CFO will pay for it, aside from the fact that the CEO wants something really cool, is because it’s going to deliver value to the business.”

I would say that the consumer user wants something really cool that delivers value to his social life.

We could say that every single individual is the CEO of his own one man band company looking for a device that adds value to his company.
