in Presentations

Embed A Revolution!

I had the pleasure to talk at the Better Embedded 2013 conference a few weeks ago (Better Embedded) and actually they were so keen to let me address the crowd with a keynote. I am still not sure why they did that but it seems they liked me.

Once in a lifetime I had the opportunity to work on the presentation very early in advance and I think I was able to put together an interesting piece.

There are so many things that made this presentation special to me.

In random order:

  • The conference was held in Florence, where my mother was born. Actually my mother was the first to be able to look at the presentation but, unfortunately, she passed away before she could see the finished work.
  • Some of the characters named in the presentations lived and made Florence great in Middle Ages and during Renaissance.
  • I think we really need a new (industrial) revolution in this country and we have all what we need in order to make it happen.
  • We also have all the tools we need to drive an effective change.

I would be happy to give the same presentation to anyone who may be interested. Get in touch and book a date.

In the meantime, enjoy the slides!!